Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE) and Air Engineering and Logistics Department (AELD) of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) welcome you to join us at SATEC 2016



Singapore Aerospace Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC) is the premier aviation conference that is held in conjunction with the Singapore Airshow. It is a platform for researchers, aviation operators and practising aviation engineers to present and discuss key developments and advancements in aerospace technology and engineering. The seventh edition of this biennial conference will be held on 15 February 2016 at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The theme for SATEC 16 is Innovation in Aerospace. The key focus will be on the development and implementation of new technologies in the aviation industry. The conference will feature a plenary session and 5 breakout sessions involving speakers from various organisations. The conference programme and speakers’ details will be available at a later date. It is expected to attract the world’s leading aviation groups and companies as well as a regional audience of top military personnel.


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  • Promote greater understanding of the growing aerospace industry.
  • Present new research findings.
  • Discuss the latest advancements in aerospace technology and maintenance practices from leading aerospace companies and R&D institutions.
  • Exchange knowledge and expertise with aerospace professionals from local and regional companies and institutions.


Call-For-Papers [Closed]

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Thank you for your support. The  Call-For-Papers exercise is now closed. If you have submitted your papers, notice of acceptance and rejection will be send to you in due course.

For more information on SATEC 2016, participation, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, send in your enquiries to:



Organisers & Sponsors

SATEC 2016 is jointly organised by Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE) and Air Engineering and Logistics Department (AELD) of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF).

Organised By

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In Conjunction With image - SG airshow 2016

SATEC Sponsored



[label]Note: Accurate as of 20 Jan 2016.[/label]




0830 Registration
0900 Welcome Address

Military Expert 8 Francis Cheong

Head Air Engineering and Logistics (HAEL), Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)

Mr Lim Yeow Khee

President, Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE)

0910 Keynote Address by Guest of Honour (GOH)

Mr Ng Chee Khern

Permanent Secretary (Defence Development), Ministry of Defence, Singapore

0930 Speech by the Distinguished Guest Speaker

Prof Quek Tong Boon

Chief Defence Scientist, Ministry of Defence, Singapore

0950 Special Guest Speaker (1)

Major General Thomas J. Masiello

Commander Air Force Research Laboratory, United States of America

Special Guest Speaker (2)

Dr Bicky Bhangu

Director, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd

1030 Tea Break
1100 Plenary Session

Dr Ken Anderson

Chief, Aerospace Division, Defence Science and Technology, Australia


Mr Philippe Gourdon

Vice President, Digital & Maintenance Data Services, Airbus Customer Services


Mr Antonio Alves

Senior Manager, Customer Solutions Implementation, Boeing Jeppesen


ME6 Chris Leong

Republic of Singapore Air Force

1200 Lunch (Hosted)
1330 – 1730 5 Parallel Breakout Sessions

·         UAV / Aerodynamics

·         Avionics / Mission Systems

·         Structures

·         Airworthiness / Propulsion

·         MRO / Aviation Training

Click here to download programme.

SATEC2016 Publication Booklet.

The organising committee is conducting a Call-For-Papers exercise to reach out to interested speakers. The deadline for the paper abstract submission is 1st Oct 2015. If interested, please contact for more details.



Conference Details

Please find our conference fees below:

TYPE PRICE – Single Package PRICE – Group (min.10 pax)
Commercial Delegate SGD 850 per pax SGD 800 per pax
Academic & Research SGD 400 per pax SGD 350 per pax
SIAE Members*

                                       SGD 300

Student^ SGD 100 per pax SGD 50 per pax

*Corporate and individual member

^Afternoon session only

SATEC Conference Pass Payment Form <— Click

The cut off payment is 8 Feb 2016. Please note that conference pass is not confirmed without SIAE email confirmation. Organising team will not be collecting any payment on conference day.

For more information on SATEC 2016, conference fees, participation, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, send in your enquiries to:


Mobile: +65 9114 3813