Obituary and Condolence Page for Mr Poon Chia Wee

It is with great sadness that we learnt of the demise of our beloved first President of SIAE, Mr Poon Chia Wee.

Mr Poon was the founder of ASLAE (later SIAE) who fought for recognition of LAE’s contribution to Aviation Safety. He has devoted much of his life to improving training and education for aerospace engineers and technicians.

Mr Poon passed on peacefully on 10 Sep 2021. May he rest in peace.

It may be inconvenient to visit the wake. SIAE members and friends may send your condolences below which we will forward to his family. Take Care and Stay Safe.

We have prepared a special tribute to Mr Poon for us to remember him:

Photo Tribute to Mr Poon (pdf)

Hear the eulogy speech by SIAE President, Mr Lim Yeow Khee (8:10 mins)

Full transcript here

With greatest respect and tribute,
SIAE President, Mr Lim Yeow Khee and the Executive Committee

Condolence Book
