#WhyAviation Forum 2021

#whyaviation 2021 is a ground-up initiative jointly organised by student leaders from NTU Aerospace Society, SUTD, TP Airborne Club, SP Aviation Club and SIT-UoG Royal Aeronautical Society. The initiative aims to
connect passionate individuals to aerospace organisations and
re-ignite their passion for the aviation and aerospace industries.


Proudly supported by
Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers


Last updated 2 Sep 2021
All time based on Singapore time (GMT+8)

#whyaviation 2021 will include a two-day online networking forum, revolving around the theme of Sustainable Air Travel. On the first day, we will be bringing participants through a journey of exploring three aviation sectors, namely Airport, Aircraft and Engine Design, and Airline Business and Effectiveness. We will be discussing the impact of sustainability on these aviation sectors through case studies and problem statements. On the second day, we will be having a series of talks by partnering aerospace organisations for participants. This is to allow participants to get an overview of the key players in the aerospace industry and their ongoing sustainability efforts. Throughout the forum, we will also feature stories of participants and their passion for aviation.

SIAE would also like to welcome all to join as member at:

Time Activity
0950 – 1000 Welcome and Warmup
1000 – 1010 Welcome Address by Organizer
1010 – 1030

Opening Keynote by President, SIAE

A.Prof Lim Yeow Khee

1030 – 1115







Networking Cycle I

(reshuffle breakout rooms)

Networking cycle II

1115 – 1145


Presentation by Prof. Bing Feng and Prof. Daniel


1145 – 1215

Presentation by Prof. Nuno and Prof. Peter


1215 – 1245 Design Thinking Workshop (Mentors / Aviation Professionals will give their advice on how tackle similar issue)
1245 – 1345 Lunch
1345 – 1410 Start of Games and Activities
1410 – 1600

Breakout participants into breakout rooms

Discussion Starts

1600 – 1650 Poster presentation by the first 5 teams (10 min Presentation, with 7 min for pitching and 3 min for Q&A)
1650 – 1700 Intermission
1700 – 1740 Poster presentation by the remaining 4 teams (10 min Presentation, with 7 min for pitching and 3 min for Q&A)
1740 – 1800 Day 1 Closing and Debrief by Organizer
Time Activity
0950 – 1000 Reception
1000 – 1005 Welcome back by NTU Aerospace Society (follow by Guest Speaker (Mr. Julius Yeo, Director of Starburst Aerospace))
1005 – 1020 Presentation by Starburst Aero
Mr Julius Yeo
1020 – 1045 Presentation by Startup
1045 – 1110 Q&A with Starburst and Startups
1110 – 1115 Acknowledgement to Sponsors, supporting organizations and mentors
1115 – 1155 Changi Airport Group Talk
1155 – 1235 SIA Engineering Company
1235 – 1315 ST Aerospace Talk
13151400 Lunch
1400 – 1440 ATAS Aeronautiks Talk
1440 – 1520 Collins Aerospace Talk
1520 – 1600 ATMRI Talk
1600 – 1640 Pratt & Whitney Talk
1640 – 1720 AAR Talk
 1720 -1730 Event Closing by Organizer

Register Now!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the latest prospects in aerospace, network with students and industry professionals.