About the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
The mission of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) is to “Grow a safe, vibrant air hub and civil aviation system, making a key contribution to Singapore’s success”. CAAS’ roles are to oversee and promote safety in the aviation industry, develop the air hub and aviation industry, provide air navigation services, develop Singapore as a centre for aviation knowledge and training, and contribute to the development of international aviation.
For more information, please contact:
Satwinder Kaur (Ms) Assistant Director (Corporate Communications)
DID : (65) 6541 2912
Mobile : (65) 9621 1087
Email : satwinder_kaur@caas.gov.sg
Cindy Peh (Ms) Assistant Manager (Corporate Communications)
DID : (65) 6541 2913
Mobile : (65) 9223 3281
Email : cindy_peh@caas.gov.sg
[gview file=”https://siae.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Media-Release-Heart-of-Aviation-Gallery.pdf”]Website :www.caas.gov.sg