Join us in the SIAE Aerospace Online MasterClass


19 Nov 2020 Thu 1500 – 1630h
Future of Aviation – Post Covid-19

Covid-19 struck when the world which was already in turmoil with increasing nationalist trends in US and Europe, challenging the need for Globalisation. Aviation, the prime driver and beneficiary of Globalisation, was hit with thousands of aircraft grounded and massive retrenchment across all sectors.

In this Webinar, we take a long look at aviation beyond current recovery efforts. Covid-19 offers an opportunity to re-calibrate aviation technology in the wake of social and economic disruptions.

Prof Lim, President of SIAE will host the Webinar with two prominent aerospace engineers in different fields of research.

Dr Cyrille Schwob from Airbus will discuss clean propulsion for future aircraft.

Prog James Wang from NTU is focusing on: “What can we expect in electric VTOL aircraft in the next 10 and 20 years?”  Will electric, hybrid electric or hydrogen fuel cell powered vertical takeoff and landing aircraft be ready soon? What are the challenges for eVTOL?

We will allocate some time for Panel Discussion as well as live Q&A with web attendees.