Be Part of the Oldest Aviation Professional Community in Singapore
- Please send supporting documents including education certificate copies and (1) passport after we received your application, in order to complete application.
- Your payment will be fully refunded if your application is unsuccessful.
- Membership period shall be from 1st Apr to 31st Mar of subsequent year and there shall be no pro-rating of membership. Any signup from 1st Jan to 1st Apr shall be recognized and granted provisional membership until subscription officially commences on 1st Apr.
Elected Member
- Practising engineer holding AME license issued by CAAS or equivalent, OR
- Holding engineering/science degree and employed in aerospace sector, OR
- Degree holder with at least one year experience in airworthiness certification, OR
- Served in aerospace company at management level for at least 2 years
Annual Subscription: S$60
- Ordinary members with at least 10 years continuous membership in the institute (or its predessor membership)
- Attained the age of 35 years old
- Contributed significantly towards the objectives of the institute
- Maybe upgraded to Honorary Fellow on recommendation of Exco and voted by majority at AGM. Subscription will be waived for life.
Annual Subscription: S$100
Associate Member
- Posessess tertiary degree and employed in the aerospace sector, OR
- Anyone holding AME licence but does not practice in capacity of engineer, OR
- Anyone holding recognized diploma (or equivalent) and employed for at least 5 years in aerospace industry, OR
- Anyone holding a responsible position in an aerospace company and supports objectives of the institute
- Any person who has passed the prescribed examinations conducted by the institute.
Annual Subscription: S$60
Associate Fellow
- Teaching professionals or established researcher/academicians from institutions and organizations, OR
- Senior management staff from aerospace companies who have made substantial contributions to aerospace industry
Annual Subscription: S$75
Technician Member
- Possesses a Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering or equivalent
Annual Subscription: S$60
Student Member
- Any person undergoing an approved academic course or training scheme that leads to eventual qualification of Ordinary or Technician membership
- Entrance fee for Student Membership is waived for now – $30 savings
Annual Subscription: S$24