The Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (SIAE) successfully launched a new series of evening events as Café Aeronautique on 20 March, 2014. This replaces our INN (Industry Network Night) and features talks on various intellectually engaging topics to encourage members and fellow aviation professionals to think about the future of aviation while enjoying an evening over drinks and dinner. We were pleased to accommodate about 70 people at this inaugural event.

In conjunction with this launch of Café Aeronautique, SIAE signed a MoU with Oriel Management Consulting Pte Ltd (Oriel) at the Air Transport Training College (ATTC). Oriel is one of SPRING Singapore’s panel of participating consultants specialising in financial management and productivity projects. They have assisted more than 300 small and medium enterprises in Singapore and the region in the areas of business growth and capital raising to finance business expansion.

This event was invite-only and was open to all members of SIAE. If you have any queries regarding an invitation to our events, do contact us at




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